Why Invest?
Providing value. Improving the bottom line.
Member Benefits
You may be wondering if you can afford to invest in an initiative such as this. The true question is, can you afford not to? Although the workforce system will benefit all maritime related companies in the long run, the fact is that the development and implementation of a national workforce system takes time and money.
To date, the money that funded this effort has come from member contributions, annual dues and the in-kind contributions of NCCER, our partner. The expertise of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), craft professionals working in-field, informs the curriculum and assessment development process. SMEs, for the most part, are provided by NMEC member yards.
Investing in NMEC will allow us to expand operations, which until 2017 were unfunded, and accelerate our efforts so that your company and the industry as a whole will start realizing the true benefits of this system.
Immediate Benefits
A Voice.
NMEC's direction and priorities are established by its members. SMEs from member companies identify common skills sets for their respective crafts, inform and review curricula as it is being development and validate assessments. This ensures that the end product.
NCCER Accredited Training Sponsor (ATS) and Accredited Assessment Center Services (AAC).
Take advantage of ATS and AAC candidate status. NMEC will provide oversight for NCCER Sponsorship of your company. As an Accredited Training Unit and/or Authorized Assessment site, you can offer your employees the opportunity to train to national standards and earn industry-recognized credentials.
As a member of NMEC and a contributor to this initiative, your investment demonstrates your commitment to advancing the industry and to developing its workforce.
Without NMEC and the support of its members and key stakeholders, the national system of workforce development we envision would not be possible. In addition to increased ROI, the long-term benefits of NMEC membership will impact not only the industry and its workforce as a whole.
Long-term Benefits
Let's face it. The maritime workforce is transient, and worker demand is cyclical. A national workforce system gives you the assurance that applicants can perform to a set standard, one that is set by NMEC members. If we do it right, employers can be confident that pre-hires can demonstrate the skills they say they have and shorten the time it takes to get them to the deck plate. Since assessments are tied to the curricula and provide a prescription for training, employers have the ability to identify skills gaps and remediate at task level.
High schools, community colleges, and other training providers can rest assured that they are teaching to national industry standards required by industry and are equipping their students with the skills and credentials needed to compete for meaningful, rewarding careers in shipbuilding and ship repair.
Each task-oriented module in the industry-driven curricula can be used for specific task training, remediation, or as part of larger courses of study such as those offered by formal apprenticeship programs, high schools, and community colleges, and other training providers.
An Increased Pipeline of Technically Skilled Workers.
The NCCER Program is well established and utilized in all 50 states. Currently there are over 500+ organizations accredited through NCCER and 3,300+ schools and training center locations in the US.